Do your students already have fun with our online games?
It’s time to level up!
Travel together in L’Univers de Sam Amuse!

What is it?
L’Univers de Sam Amuse is an evolving and intuitive platform designed to help out educators and developed for students who enjoy learning French while having fun!
For Kindergarten to Grade 2 Students in Canada:
- French Immersion
- Francophone
- With learning disabilities or difficulties

Your subscription is based on the number of students
Your colleagues can be added as collaborators for free. This means that you can share a same subscription for all of your school’s K to 2 students (minimum 15 students).
Minimum 15 students
L’Univers de Sam Amuse will be your ally if you want to have
more fun
Also, the educator dashboard is easy to understand and navigate on the device of your choice (and in French or English)!
1 • Library of fun printable resources (so you can disconnect😉)
2 • Access group & students login info in a single click
3 • Group progress by learning outcomes and games
4 • Add collaborators (co teacher, resource teacher, substitute teacher, etc.)

5 • Students’ results and customized assignments
6 • Each student progress by learning outcome
7 • Adaptive to all devices, and available in French & English
Integrate learning through play and save time
for what's important
What's important?
- Working with students in need.
- Meeting your school occupational therapist or resource teacher.
- Overseeing and doing the follow ups on the IEPs.
- Planning and prepping your next projects.
- Breathing!
The L’Univers de Sam Amuse interactive games…
are automatically saved
Each game includes dozens of levels. Students keep going where they were at.
adapt to the student’s rhythm
Games levels are developed for the concepts to be integrated when students have correct answers. Otherwise, your student keeps playing the same level (this is our secret😉) until the knowledge is acquired.
communicate with your dashboard
You and your collaborators have access to all questions asked in the games, answers given, progress ratio and other useful info relatively to the learning outcomes of each game.
are available on all devices
Computers, tablets and smartphones are all compatible*, as long as there is Internet!
Computers and tablets are recommended.
Students learn through play, while exploring various worlds such as…

L’Étang des sons helps reading French sounds, a water lily at a time.

65 words about animals are progressively incorporated in Bulles d’amour – Les animaux. Psst: let the unicorn sleep!
(Crédit photo: La Liberté)

You have to get a bingo if you want to see whales in this game: Bingo des nombres de 0 à 100.
And there are not only interactive games!
Your students will also access videos and glossaries!
You and your collaborators can print:
J’ai/Qui a
Go Fish!
Memory Games
Support Material
Fun Activity Books
Reading & Writing Booklets
Flash Cards
Plus: the platform is
New resources are added monthly!
Psst: This is why I recommend you sign up to La Boussole!
email newsletter. For members only, this email newsletter guides you through the discovery of L’Univers de Sam Amuse and notifies you about new resources and exclusive perks. Check the appropriate box when signing up.😉

You will be among L’Univers de Sam Amuse’s first explorers.
Your feedback is VERY important to me!
I will be listening to all suggestions so my team and I can enhance your and your students’ experiences.
Bonjour! I’m Jennifer:
multimedia graphic designer & chocolate addict 😅
For over 10 years, I have had fun creating games for teachers. I started mixing creativity, ICTs and education when I was French language assistant in three Manitoba French immersion schools. Now, I wish to help you out with L’Univers de Sam Amuse so you and your students have more fun in your classroom, in French!
How will you use L’Univers de Sam Amuse in your classroom?
“Ok I got my subscription! Now what?”
You will receive an email within 48h which includes a guide to help you create your group and use the platform. Plus, if you prefer, we can make an appointment so we set up your account together.😉
In less than 60 minutes, you will:
Complete your classroom or school account (K to 2 groups)
Each student can only have one account. Their accounts are saved year after year and can be transferred to their next year’s teacher (or even from one school to another!).
Create your student groups
You can have as many groups as you wish, big or small. But be aware: each group has its own log in info.
Invite or add colleagues as collaborators to your groups for free
Co teachers, resource teachers, occupational therapist, substitute teachers… Your collaborators can access your students’ progress and can even assign them games if you wish.
Assign games to your students
You can leave the assignments by default or you can customize the games AND the grade for each of them. The differentiation happens here!

Your subscription is based on the number of students
Your colleagues can be added as collaborators for free. This means that you can share a same subscription for all of your school’s K to 2 students (minimum 15 students).
Minimum 15 students

Demo available soon🤩
Sign up below if you wish to receive a video in which I present the games, resources and various functions you’ll find in l’Univers de Sam Amuse.
I'd like a demo
I have questions